素鄉 Shakahari

健康招牌素食私房菜料理, 口齿留香. Vegan private kitchen cooking health signs, articulate fresh and fragrant. Shop Photo

Handmade MoonCake on sale now 手工月饼上市

Our handmade mooncake without adding any preservatives and pigments. We have Original mooncake, Snow Skinned mooncake and Shanghai mooncake; flavors: Durian, Mango, Green Tea, Black Sesame, Red Bean, White Lotus, Dragon Fruit Skin Jujuba and more..  我们的手工月饼不添加任何的防腐剂和色素. 我们有传统月饼, 冰皮月饼和上海月饼, 风味: 榴莲, 芒果, 绿茶, 黑芝麻, 红豆, 白莲容, 火龙果冰皮红枣和更多.. The food 20


南洋商報美食副刊找到了我们. Nanyang Siang Pau found us. Newspaper 3


温暖幸福感 Newspaper 2


美味汤秘方 Newspaper 1

您的健康是您的选择 Your Health is Your Choice

我们的美食都是新鲜煮食而不是速食, 需要花一些时间烹饪, 而满足顾客的要求和健康. All our food is fresh cooked food rather than fast-food, it takes some time to Cook, and meet customer requirements and health. Healthy Food